
Tumbling is a competitive sport that focuses on performing a series of acrobatic movements, flips, and somersaults on a specialised sprung floor. It's often considered a sub-discipline of gymnastics, and it requires a high level of athleticism, strength, flexibility, and body control.


In tumbling, athletes aim to execute a sequence of skills with precision, power, and fluidity. The routines typically consist of a combination of flips, somersaults, twists, and other tumbling manoeuvres. Athletes perform these skills in rapid succession, linking them together seamlessly to create an impressive and dynamic routine.


Tumbling routines are performed on a sprung floor, which is a specialised surface designed to provide extra bounce and cushioning. The floor consists of layers of foam and springs that help absorb the impact of the athletes' landings, reducing the risk of injuries.


Competitions in tumbling are judged based on various criteria, including the difficulty and execution of the skills performed, the height and length of the flips and jumps, the control and technique displayed, and the overall presentation and showmanship. Athletes are also expected to demonstrate good form, body alignment, and precise landings.


Tumbling can be practiced individually or as part of a team, with athletes competing in different age categories and skill levels. It is a visually captivating sport that showcases the athletes' strength, athleticism, and acrobatic abilities. Tumbling is often seen in gymnastics events, cheerleading competitions, and other sports or performances that incorporate acrobatics and high-energy movements.